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Books by Category

Arranged Alphabetically

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Expanded Index: Book Categories

* A. Crowley

* Aborigines (also Australia)

* African-Americans

* Alchemy

Ancient Mesopotamia (Babylon, Chaldeans, Sumer, Assyria, etc.)

* Angels & Angelic Beings

* Animals (also Creatures)

* Art (also Entertainment)

* Arthurian Legend (see King Arthur)

* Asia

* Astral Projection

* Astrology

* Astronomy

* Auras (also Chakras)

* Australia (also Aborigenes)

* Aztecs (also Incas, Maya, Mexico)

Babylon (see Ancient Mesopotamia)

* Breed (see Native Americans)

* Buddhism (also Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, I Ching, Islam, Judaism, Sufism, Taoism; see Major Religions/ Philosophies, Zen)

* Candles & Candleburning (also Incense)

* Celts (also Druids, Picts, Saxons, Normans)

* Chakras (also Auras)

Chaldea (see Mesopotamia)

* Cheiromancy (see Hand Interpreation, Face Interpretation)

* Christianity (also Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, I Ching, Islam, Judaism, Sufism, Taoism; see Major Religions/ Philosophies, Zen)

* Color

* Confucianism (also Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, I Ching, Islam, Judaism, Sufism, Taoism; see Major Religions/ Philosophies, Zen)

* Craft (NOT "crafts" like needlepoint -- see Magick, Occult Studies)

* Creatures (also Animals)

* Crystals (also Stones, Gems)

* Death & Death Magick (see Necromancy)

* Deities (also Theology, Gods & Goddesses)

* Demonology (also Goetics, Satanism)

* Divination

* Dreams and Dream Interpretation

* Druids & Druidism (also Celts, Picts, Saxons, Normans)

* Egypt

* Elemental Magick (also Natural Magicks; cross-reference Druids)

* England (also Europe, Scotland, Wales, Germany, Italy, etc.)

* Enochian

* Entertainment (also Art)

* ESP (also Psionics, Parapsychology, Metaphysics)

* Europe (England, Scotland, Wales, Germany, Italy, etc.)

* Evocation (also Summoning, Invocation)

* Face Interpretation (also Hand Interpretation)

* Feminine Mythology  (legends and beliefs pertaining to women; see Women's Mythology)

* Fiction

* Folklore

* Fortune-telling (see Divination)

* Freemasonry (also Rosicrucians, Knights Templar)

* Gaiaism (also Goddess)

* Gems (also Crystals, Stones)

* Germany (also Europe, England, Scotland, Wales, Italy, etc.)

* Goddess (also Gaiaism)

* Gods & Goddesses (also Theology, Deities)

* Goetics (also Demonology, Satanism)

* Graphology (also Face Interpretation, Hand Interpretation, Handwriting Analysis)

* Greece (also Rome)

* Grimoires

* Hand Interpretation (also Face Interpretation, Handwriting Analysis, Graphology)

* Handwriting Analysis (also Hand Interpretation, Face Interpretation, Graphology)

* Healing

* Herbalism & Herbs

* Hermetics

* Heterosexuality (also Sexuality, Homosexuality, Sex Magick, Tantra)

* Hinduism (also Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, I Ching, Islam, Judaism, Sufism, Taoism; see Major Religions/ Philosophies, Zen)

* History

* Homeopathy

* Homosexuality (also Heterosexuality, Sexuality, Sex Magick, Tantra)

* I Ching (also Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Sufism, Taoism; see Major Religions/ Philosophies, Zen)

* Incas (also Aztecs, Maya, Mexico)

* Incense (also Candles & Candleburning)

* India

* Invocation (also Summoning, Evocation)

* Islam (also Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, I Ching, Judaism, Sufism, Taoism; see Major Religions/ Philosophies, Zen)

* Italy (also Europe, England, Scotland, Wales, Germany, etc.)

* Judaism (also Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, I Ching, Islam, Sufism, Taoism; see Major Religions/ Philosophies, Zen)

* Kabbalah

* King Arthur (see Arthurian Legend)

* Knights Templar (also Freemasonry/ Masons, Rosicrucians)

* Languages

* Lost Civilizations

* Lycanthropes (also Vampires, Mythic Beasts, Werewolves)

* Magick (see Craft, Occult Studies)

* Major Religions/ Philosophies (also Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, I Ching, Islam, Judaism, Sufism, Taoism; see Zen)

* Martial Arts (also Ninjitsu, Shao-Lin)

* Masculine Mythology (legends and beliefs pertaining to men; see Men's Mythology)

* Masons/ Masonic Studies (also Rosicrucians, Knights Templar)

*Maya (also Aztecs, Incas, Mexico)

* Medieval Era (also Middle Ages, Renaissance Period)

* Men's Mythology (legends and beliefs pertaining to men; see Masculine Mythology)

* Metaphysics (also ESP, Psionics, Parapsychology)

* Mexico (also Aztecs, Incas, Maya)

* Middle Ages (also Medieval Era, Renaissance Period)

* Moon (also stars, sun, sky)

* Mythic Beasts (also Vampires, Lycanthropes, Werewolves)

* Mythology

* Native Americans (see Breed)

* Natural Magicks (also Elemental Magick; cross-reference Druids)

* Necromancy (see Death & Death Magick)

* Necronomicon

* New Age

* Ninjitsu (also Martial Arts, Shao-Lin)

* Normans (also Celts, Druids, Picts, Saxons)

* Norse Mythology and Customs

* Occult Studies (see Magick, Craft)

* Out-of-Body Experiences (see Astral Projection)

* Paganism (also Wicca, Witchcraft)

* Parapsychology (also ESP, Psionics, Metaphysics)

* Past Lives (also Reincarnation)

* Picts (also Celts, Druids, Saxons, Normans)

* Prehistoric Era

* Prophecies

* Psionics (also ESP, Parapsychology, Metaphysics)

* Qabbalah

* Reference

* Reiki (also Touch Healing; cross-reference Healing, Herbalism)

* Reincarnation (also Past Lives)

* Renaissance Period (also Middle Ages, Medieval Era)

* Rituals & Ritual Magick

* Rome (also Greece)

* Rosicrucians (also Freemasonry/ Masons, Knights Templar)

* Runes & Rune Magick

* Santeria (see Voodoo)

* Satanism (also Goetics, Demonology)

* Saxons (also Celts, Druids, Picts, Normans)

* Science

* Scotland (also Europe, England, Wales, Germany, Italy, etc.)

* Sex Magick (also Sexuality, Heterosexuality, Homosexuality, Tantra)

* Sexuality (also Heterosexuality, Homosexuality, Sex Magick)

* Shamanism (Cross-reference Natural Magicks)

* Shao-Lin (also Martial Arts, Ninjitsu)

* Sigils (see Talismanic Magicks)

* Sky (also stars, moon, sun,)

* Stars (also moon, sun, sky)

* Stones (also Stones, Crystals)

* Sufism (also Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, I Ching, Islam, Judaism, Taoism; see Major Religions/ Philosophies, Zen)

Sumer/ Sumeria (also Ancient Mesopotamia)

* Summoning (also Evocation, Invocation)

* Sun (also stars, moon, sky)

* Symbols

* Talismanic Magicks

* Tantra (also Homosexuality, Heterosexuality, Sexuality, Sex Magick)

* Taoism (also Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, I Ching, Islam, Judaism, Sufism; see Major Religions/ Philosophies, Zen)

* Thelemic Magick

* Theology (also Gods & Goddesses, Deities)

* Touch Healing (also Reiki; cross-reference Healing, Herbalism)

* UFOs & UFOlogy

* United States

* Vampires (also Lycanthropes, Mythic Beasts, Werewolves)

* Voodoo (see Santeria)

* Wales (also Europe, England, Scotland, Germany, Italy, etc.)

* Werewolves (also Vampires, Lycanthropes, Mythic Beasts)

* Wicca (also Paganism, Witchcraft)

* Witchcraft (also Paganism, Wicca)

* Women's Mythology  (see Feminine Mythology)

* Worldwide Mythology

* Yoga (cross-reference: tantra)

* Zen (cross-refeerence Major Religions/ Philosophies)

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