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Books -- Category: African-Americans

(Arranged by title in alphabetical order.  All prices plus shipping & handling.)

~These are all Special Order titles -- please contact us and we will acquire them for you. Prices and availability may vary. Please contact us prior to sending payment for confirmation.~

African-American Alphabet: ...African-American and West Indian Culture, Custom, Myth, and Symbol by Gerald Hausman et al. #B-11111-GH.  African-Americans, customs, mythology, symbols.

Complete Stories by Zora Neale Hurston. #B-36121-ZH.  African-Americans, folklore, mythology.

Jump Up & Say: A Collection of Black Storytelling by Linda and Clay Goss. #B-13111-LG.  African-Americans, folklore, mythology.

Kings, Gods, and Spirits From African Mythology by Jan Knappert. #B-27111-JK.  Africa, mythology, theology. *Oversized SoftCover*

Kwanzaa Fable by Eric V. Copage. #B-25611-EC.  African-Americans, folklore, mythology.

Myth, Literature & the African World by Wole Soyinka. #B-43151-WS.  Africa, literature, mythology.

Pagan Soul: A Study of African Religion by Laubacher. #B-71111-LA.  Africa, mythology, theology.

Santeria: African Spirits in America by Joseph Murphy. #B-11111-JM.  Africa, magic, mythology, Santeria, United States.

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